Your Real Life name: Jack Borg-Cardona
Your age:20
Where do you live?:Windsor UK Which class are you going to play?:Tempest of Set
What race are you going to play?:Stygian (not out of will cos i have to for class)
Which other MMORPGs have you played: WoW, Everquest, Lineage 2, Guild Wars, EvE
What are you mostly interested in, PvP, PvE or both?: Both - however end game battlesieges sound the most exciting
On average, how much time will you spend playing AoC each day or week?: Avaiability varies greatly, but minimum will be about 5hrs a week.
What will you bring to this guild?: a healer is one, i'm out to have fun so i will bring fun with me.
What would you want from this guild?:A guild that aims to get involved with battle sieges
Forgot to add i played tabula Rasa as well