Your Real Life name: Nicholas
Your age: 18
Where do you live?: Scotland Which class are you going to play?: more than likley a priest but going to have a play around before i decide
What race are you going to play?: Stygian? again not set in stone
Which other MMORPGs have you played: WoW, DAoC only really noteworthy ones
What are you mostly interested in, PvP, PvE or both?: PvP and exploration really into PvP on a mass scale aswell, PvE i like but i seee it more as a side to give a game more depth and to enjoy with mates.
On average, how much time will you spend playing AoC each day or week?: Student so way to much free time and not enough money to ill it otherwise :P
What will you bring to this guild?: Im a fun person really, love talks over vent and joking around. complete teamplayer mot the sort of guy to get fussed over little things.
What would you want from this guild?: the same respect thta i would ghive in return and to always try and have a good time nothing more nothing less.
Anything more you would like to know us about?:
Nah im happy as it is