Your Real Life name: Danny
Your age: 19
Where do you live?: Netherlands Which class are you going to play?: Guardian
What race are you going to play?: Aquilonian
Which other MMORPGs have you played:
Star Wars Galaxies (3-4 years),
World of Warcraft (1 year),
Vanguard, Saga of Heroes (6 months),
City of Villains (1 month),
Guildwars (1 month),
Lord of the Rings Online (1 month),
Warhammer Age of Reckoning Beta (still in it but I just don't play the beta anymore. I cannot say it sucks, but it just isn't exactly my cup of tea, I don't like the game :P )
What are you mostly interested in, PvP, PvE or both?:
I love PvP. Whenever I see red dots pop up on my radar, my finger get's all itchy, and I just have to kill ;). However, I am not one of those Pvpers that finds PvE "carebear". I also love to PvE, and I am very good at it. So I suppose you could say I am mostly interested in both ^^.
On average, how much time will you spend playing AoC each day or week?:
Uhm, about 40+ hours a week I think? Depends. Sometimes a LOT, sometimes only a couple of hours. Real life activities go first (school/sports/clubbing and getting wasted during the weekends with a bunch of friends
What will you bring to this guild?:
A lot of PvP and PvE experience from other games. And 3 years of Officer experience in one of the most succesful all-round Rebel guilds on the Bria server in Star Wars Galaxies. (For those who want to know what guild this is, my guild was GRD, a guild hated by their enemies, and respected by their allies, and about a 1-2 years ago it was the biggest and most succesful Rebel guild on our server
What would you want from this guild?:
A friendly and experienced community to play the game with. For some reason I liked the recruitment thread of your guild on the AoC forums. The recruitment video had a nice soundtrack since Linkin Park owns
Anything more you would like to know us about?:
In other MMORPG's my character name has always been MetalReaper. Maybe it will ring a bell to anyone here who has played Star Wars Galaxies on the Bria server :D.
However, because I picked the name "MetalReaper" when I was 12 years old, I have grown tired of the name, since I think it lacks a bit of maturity or something. Upon googling the name "MetalReaper" I also noticed a big increase of the name being used in MMORPG's by other people, which makes the name less special for me. (when I created the name MetalReaper, there were only 2 people, including me, using that nickname
This new nickname "Dantorius" has something roman in it, and it has a part of my real name in it, so I kinda like it. It will probably be my new nickname in future games.