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Main » 2008 » May » 29 » It's time... to start building the Guild City!
It's time... to start building the Guild City!
Me and few other members of Devast have checked and carefully chosen the place for our guild city on last meeting. We have checked Purple Lotus Swamp (Stygia), Lacheins Plains (Cimmeria) and Poitain (Aquilonia) and we have chosen Poitain. It is a peaceful, sunny, nicely placed and full of resources place. We have been assigned to a spot on the hills, which is very nice. Now though it's a time to start building our very own and unique Guild City! The first and the most important part of it is Keep. I am an Architect meaning that I can make plans for each building. To make a plan for a Keep I need 2 Parchments (75 S for each) and 1 Drawing Ink (50 S for each). Also the resources needed are:
- 15 Joist (to make 1 Joist I need 10 Ash)
- 20 Brick (to make 1 Brick I need 10 Sandstone)
- 5 Plain Facade (to make 1 Plain Facade I need 10 Silver)
- 10 Brace (to make 1 Brace I need 10 Copper)
In Conclusion I need 2 Gold, 150 Ash, 200 Sandstone, 50 Silver and 100 Copper. I know it sounds like damn hard work but if we work as a team, it will be really easy. So for gold I am asking every member of Devast to send me or trade me about 10 silver. If you don't have that much because you are low level, please, give me less. And I am asking everyone to go out and farm those Resources. If everyone would farm about 10 of each and give it to me we would have a Keep. We can do it... Please, don't lie to me and say that you didnt have money, etc because afterall it is not for me. It is for us all. To become strong and dominant... Let the building begin!
Views: 1129 | Added by: Mortegor | Rating: 0.0/0 |
Total comments: 4
4 Dreamspeaker  
Great thats the best spot smile

3 Mortegor  
We were actually assigned a spot. First one on the hills. smile

2 Dreamspeaker  
Nice smile
So no restrictions at all as to where we build?

That would be cool.

1 Dreamspeaker  
I will give what I can afford.
As regards resources, as soon as I finsih my gathering quests I will donate whatever I can get.

Just one question.
Have we actually reserved a spot? And if so which one?

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