Your Real Life name: Michel W*****
Your age: 19
Where do you live?: Netherlands Which class are you going to play?: Tempest of Set or Priest of Mitha
What race are you going to play?: Only one race allowed for this one, so...
Which other MMORPGs have you played: Lotro, Wow, Archlord, Guild Wars.
What are you mostly interested in, PvP, PvE or both?: Both
On average, how much time will you spend playing AoC each day or week?: Depends, normally between 1 - 4 hours on weekdays and 4 - 6 in weekend. Tho it could change. Depends on private life.
What will you bring to this guild?: First of all humor, good personality, a teacher and offcourse skill and alot of fun.
What would you want from this guild?: People that want to play together and have fun.
Anything more you would like to know us about?: Been in leader/officer and raidleader roles in WoW and Lotro.
And thx for atleast looking at my application ![biggrin](