Your Real Life name: Ralph Liu
Your age: 23
Where do you live?: London UK Which class are you playing?: Necromancer
What race are you playing?: Stygian
Which other MMORPGs have you played: WoW, Lineage I, Lineage II, EVE online, Guild War
What are you mostly interested in, PvP, PvE or both?: Mainly PvE but love to do PvP for a cause (Guild town siege)
On average, how much time do you spend playing AoC each day or week?: Each day I spend more than 8 hours on the game but not on Thursday
What will you bring to this guild?: Mature personality and the understanding of the importance of guild team work is the key to a successful guild
What would you want from this guild?: Enjoy the game content to the fullest with me
Anything more you would like to add?: I am very familiar with the enviornment of MMO and in the past I had always hold management position in guilds so I can help in all aspect if needed. As the game has just started a few days ago I want to join a guild that is well-planned and organised while most importantly with a goal in mind which I find your guild meets my expectation, would be glad if I am allow to join the family ![smile](