Your Real Life name: Bela M Sziklassy
Your age: 27
Where do you live?: Budapest Hungary Which class are you going to play?: Barbarian
What race are you going to play?: Cimmerian
Which other MMORPGs have you played: WoW, FFXI, EVE Online, LOTRO, RQ, EQ2, DAOC, SW Galaxies.... probably more (currently playing LoTRO and WoW, will drop WoWfor AOC)
What are you mostly interested in, PvP, PvE or both?:PVP all the way... cities look AMAZING
On average, how much time will you spend playing AoC each day or week?: 4-8 hours weekdays, as much time as I can manage to stay awake weekends
What will you bring to this guild?: Experience in PvP, dedication to help others, fast leveling
What would you want from this guild?: player maturity, player cities
Anything more you would like to know us about? Been playing games since I was a wee lad and MMOs for 12+years. I have also beta tested a great deal (sadly not AOC), but from the look of things and keeping up with the news, this game will be a keeper for years to come ![smile](