Your Real Life name: Relja Mrkic
Your age: 29
Where do you live?: Serbia,Belgrade GMT+1 Which class are you going to play?: Ranger/Priest of Mitra
What race are you going to play?: Cimmerian/Aquilonian respectably
Which other MMORPGs have you played:EVE online, EQ2, COH, Vanguard, RYL path to emperor, Lineage 2, Shaiya, WOW, Archlord, Tabula Rasa, thats all I can remember at this moment.
What are you mostly interested in, PvP, PvE or both?:mainly PVP, interested in PVE just to get geared up and to do quests for rare items...
On average, how much time will you spend playing AoC each day or week?: prolly 4-5 hours per day, maybe more....
What will you bring to this guild?: I offer my loyalty, dedication and help to whoever needs it
What would you want from this guild?: player maturity (if applicable), teamwork, fun
Anything more you would like to know us about?: I have beta tested many mmo games throughout my gaming life, and always liked the pvp aspect of them, especially EVE online, which has the most brutal pvp system so far imo. I work as a system admin. so sometimes I play from my workplace, and sometimes i have so much work (even on weekends) and can play only at night. Usually my work is easy, but mostly the people I work with are sometimes the pain in the butt. MMO games are my only vent ![smile](